Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mahusay Free Premium Blogger Template

Featuring Blogger Template

Template Name : Mahusay
Original Designer : Paddsolutions
Bloggerize by : Free Blogger Template
Download : Mahusay

Instalations Guide :

Go to "Edit HTML"
Find The Code below and replace the red/blue code with your own

1. Javascript Host

Find this code and replace with your own host.
<script src='http://WWW.YOUROWNHOSTING.COM/mootools.v1.11.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='http://WWW.YOUROWNHOSTING.COM/' type='text/javascript'/>

2. Twitter Url

Find This Code and replace the red text with your Twitter Url
<a href='' id='twitter' title='Twitter'>Twitter</a>

3. Menu Navigation

Red : Link Anchor
Blue : Text Anchor
<li class='current_page_item'><a href='/'><span><span>Home</span></span></a></li>
<li class='page_item page-item-39'><a href='#' title='About'><span><span>About</span></span></a></li>
<li class='page_item page-item-28'><a href='#' title='Child Page'><span><span>Child Page</span></span></a></li>

4. Slide Feature with automatic post update

Be careful when editing this code!!! Ok. Just change the red url with your Blog Url and blue Url with your Image Url(background image = 606x225 pixel). Don't change the other code if you does'nt know anything about HTML/Javascript Coding.
<div class='imageElement'>
<h2>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 0; numposts = 1; var showposttitle = true; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 0; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<p>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 0; numposts = 1; var showposttitle = false; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<a class='open' href='#' title='
<img class='full' src=''/>
<img class='thumbnail' src=''/>
<div class='imageElement'>
<h2>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 1; numposts = 2; var showposttitle = true; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 0; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<p>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 1; numposts = 2; var showposttitle = false; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;

<a class='open' href='#' title='
<img class='full' src=''/>
<img class='thumbnail' src=''/>
<div class='imageElement'>
<h2>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 2; numposts = 3; var showposttitle = true; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 0; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<p>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 2; numposts = 3; var showposttitle = false; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<a class='open' href='#' title='

<img class='full' src=''/>
<img class='thumbnail' src=''/>
<div class='imageElement'>
<h2>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 3; numposts = 4; var showposttitle = true; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 0; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<p>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 3; numposts = 4; var showposttitle = false; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<a class='open' href='#' title='
<img class='full' src=''/>
<img class='thumbnail' src=''/>
<div class='imageElement'>
<h2>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 4; numposts = 5; var showposttitle = true; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 0; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
<p>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 4; numposts = 5; var showposttitle = false; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;

<a class='open' href='#' title='
<img class='full' src=''/>
<img class='thumbnail' src=''/>

5. Author Profile

Red = Profile Image Url
Blue = Profile description
<img alt='' class='avatar avatar-56' height='56' src='' width='56'/><p>This is a sample info about the author. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis.</p>

6. Feedburner Subscriber

<input name='url' type='hidden' value=''/>



1. Open edit html

2. search this css code

.jdGallery a
font-size: 100%;
text-decoration: none;
color: inherit;

3. Change with this css code

.jdGallery a, .jdGallery a:hover
font-size: 100%;
text-decoration: none;
color: #fff;

4. Save


  1. very thanks!!!!!i love this template!!!!

  2. thanks for another nice template. i will use this on my other blog layout. however, there's one problem on step 4, you did not highlight the links which should be colored blue as you stipulated.

    the slide feature does not work just like in the demo. i did not change any code as you instructed. the " featured contents" does not apear on the uploeaded layout. and the slide does not move at all.

    i hope you can help me with this.

    check my new blog "" to verify what I am talking about.

  3. wah...wah.. mantab parah ni bro templatenya...

  4. mas kok yang featured content nya jadi lain yah...

  5. @Cinzia $ Siais: Thanks :)

    @Kuya_Gani: Thanks for correcting step 4, already colored. You miss the step 1. upload javascript file(in zip file downloaded) to your own hosting, then replace Url in step 1 (red text) with your own.

  6. thanks for the advice. does it mean that in step 1, i have to have my own script host? that will be hard i guess if that's the case.

  7. @Security: Thanks :D
    @Kuya_gani: yes. you need your own hosting. i recomendate, this site is free hosting and have good stability. if you are still confused, i will write the tutorial in my next post.

  8. hehehehe :P keren bang.. asli deh

  9. ixixix posting aaah.. tapi nebeng demo nya ya bang

  10. bang... demo nya tuh xixiixix diriku juga ngambil, tapi yo tak edit lah..mosok link nya masi ke tempat laen xxixiixx

  11. you are really great as usual. it is already working. is a great site also. thanks for the advice. keep up the good work.

  12. javascript yang harus di upload yang mana ya???

  13. the best looking template.
    Thanks a lot.

  14. i have everything working just great bar one. in the javascript gallery tool, the text is not appearing. everything else is fine. can you help?

  15. @Ipiet: :D
    @Kuya_gani: thanks
    @Siais: include in zip file. check it..
    @TemplateGoal: you're welcome ;)
    @Ricky: check the step 4. let me know your blog if you can't fix it

  16. Hey mate. I really can't see what I have missed. Blog URL is

  17. did you do something? working now. thanks

  18. excellent template!gw suka banget niy template..thank's yach..

  19. I need help with editing the part of which post I want to show in the main page. If it is possible, I'd like it to show the full post but don't know where in the html code I have to change it. At the moment doesn't look good, specially when I add pics. If any one can help would be great, here is the link :
    Still in the very beggining.

  20. @Ricky: ;)
    @Se7enTime & ThemeLive: thanks...
    @Zaira: open "edit html", then check "expand widget templates". Search the code below(Use CTRL+F for easy search)

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; +'><data:post.body/></div>
    <script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<>&quot;);
    <span class='rmlink' style='float:right;padding-top:20px;'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.url'>&#187;&#187;&#160;&#160;read more</a></span>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/>

    Replace all that code with <data:post.body/>

  21. This is a very nice template. I love the featured content. But The searchbar and email signup is not working. I cant enter the text into it. Can you help me?
    My blog is:

  22. @Ajith: just remove javascript code below.

    <script language='JavaScript1.2'>
    function disabletextselect(i){
    return false
    function renabletextselect(){
    return true

    //if IE4+
    document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;)
    //if NS6+
    if (window.sidebar){

    Remember for next time, please don't ask me how to fix the problem because of your own false without tell me what you do, like adding other javascript into template.

  23. OH! I'm really sorry! I didn't know anti text selection blocks this stuff! One of my friends advised me to add it to prevent article theft, that's why I did it. Thank you for telling me.

    And sorry again. Please forgive me for wasting your time.

  24. To: Free Blogger Template

    Hey ya! Thanks very much, you were great, really really helpful!!! :) Thanks for that!!

  25. @Ajith: it's ok bro. no need to worry ;).
    @Zaira: you're welcome sis

  26. Hello! As you said "I am welcome", can I be ask something else??? ;)
    I have now the full post appering in the main page, but I still have the >> read more thing in there that I swear, I tried to find how to take off (and I am afraid I deleted something I might not should have done) but couldn't make it work. Everything else works brilliantly at the moment, just this detail really, but as I am a bit perfeccionist... hehehe Would be nice if you could help! Thanks ever soooooooo much!!!

  27. Ignore my last post, please, I've sorted! :) I am getting good at it haha (far far away).
    I will let you know when I am done with it so you can give your opinion if you want to!

  28. Sorry about so many posts in a row... But this one I couldn't do it by myself. Somehow I deleted the (read more) from the slide show. The other think is that the link is working, but is not opening the page it should and I don't know how I messed up with it! Any help will be more than appreciated!!! thanks a lot!!!

  29. This is a great template but I must note it’s a bit frustrating that every time I write a new post, I must change about 10 links for the images on the slidebar or change 2 links and the “startposts = x; numposts = y”.
    Is it possible to add some sort of variables to the beginning of the template code linking to slidebar code, something like “1st image – [post number: #], [img url: http://....]; 2nd image – [post numb… ” ??? In that way it would be faster and easier to update and manage the slidebar each time a new post would be published.

  30. Hello Free Blogger Template,

    I found that the message-headers in the slideshow are not appearing in Internet Explorer 8. I'm using Firefox myself, and the template works perfect with that. So.., I have checked the demo and other sites which are using the same, and they all show the same, no headers in the slide. What can I do?


    BTW: Thank you for this great template!

  31. Hi again.
    When i searched a new template, i also looked to Milano (
    Is it not possible to change the mahusay slidebar to one like the milano's slidebar??
    Albeit this last bar don't auto-update with the posts title, it is easily updated in page elements of the blogger, without editing the template html code.
    I don't know... maybe i am just looking a easier and faster way to update the slidebar each time i publish a new post or to keep the same slidebar (with the same text and the same images) when new posts appear.

    Anyway, thanks for your attention.

  32. @Zaira: only link in title post would be work.
    @#41: of course it's posible to make an auto update background images. but i don't much time and not a good javascript coder to make it work in short time. maybe i'll update it in next time :(
    @Nordin: Thanks for your report. I already update this post to show how to fix it ;).
    @Enchanted Vacation Rentals: please follow the instructions

  33. I know, I know... the problem is that somehow I deleted the text (read more) at the end of the description in the slide show, you see. And I wanted it back ;) if it is possible, because it was there before...

    Another question, when I insert an image in a post, there is the pre-defined sizes for them (small, medium, large) is there anywhere in the html where I can define what is each one of them for that template particularly. Just cause I think the large one is still a bit small...

    Thanks for your help!

  34. Free Blogger Template said...
    @Cinzia $ Siais: Thanks :)

    @Kuya_Gani: Thanks for correcting step 4, already colored. You miss the step 1. upload javascript file(in zip file downloaded) to your own hosting, then replace Url in step 1 (red text) with your own.

    Please need ur help I still can't understand.How do I find my javascript to upload to so that my header pics start showing as slide show.thank you

  35. script src='http://WWW.YOUROWNHOSTING.COM/mootools.v1.11.js' type='text/javascript'
    script src='http://WWW.YOUROWNHOSTING.COM/' type='text/javascript'

    are they two seperate javascripts please let me know how find out the two javascripts so that i can submit it to

  36. This is my 1st 100% successful template edit. Many thanks to your extremely detailed instructions. WOW!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. hi!I'd like to show the slide in each can i do?
    Many thanks and happy holidays ;D

  39. great job. fantastic template.
    i'd also like the slideshow to autoupdate

  40. hello my name is tanveer

    can you please explain me no 3 that which link i have to post? in the link anchor i m posting the link of label but it doesnt show that ?

  41. I like this template but I am a beginner and not sure how to make certain changes. How do I change the slide show to MY images and how do I change the text in the slide show images? Great template!

  42. hey my slideshow not working please helpp..

  43. excellent template, thank you very much. my suggestion is, post titles are in caps letters, that is distrubing the layout. that will be changable one (font style & small letter)?

  44. love the template. but since RSS feed just showing my latest 25 posts, i can't feature my older post on the slide featured. Can you help me with this? Thanks

  45. Thanks a lot...

    Want to see my edited blog...

  46. Thanks so much for the beautiful template. We made some adjustments so that the color scheme was similar to our message board. We're still tweaking, but are thrilled with your design. Very classy.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Hi! Thanks for sharing this template. I appreciate it very much and actually, I am using it now for my new blog. I am a newbie at blogging not to mention editing HTML and definitely no idea about coding. But with your clear instructions and guidance to the posters here, I think I could say I managed to put it up decently. Well, I changed some colors and took out some features but I'm still happy and still working on it. I am still clueless how this thing "About and Child Page" on navigation bar work. These 2 buttons are still not operational here at

    Thank you again for the hard work and we get it free, so no complaints. :)

    Thanks to all the posters too because you also helped me learn new things.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Hi, Im using this template but today i saw that some pics were removed from photobuckjet! what now? tks

  51. @Brook Buesking: please read this post

  52. Ok, dont worry, i saved all pics on other place ;)

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. @Brook: i need to see your blog, but your blog is open for invited reader only.

    about background image, please read my latest post

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. @Brook: do not so hurry when editing. your javascript url is


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. thanx for this beutiful theme ...pls i can't adjust adsense code as in demo ...pls help me ..

  59. i'm sorry but i can't modify feedburner subscriber although i add my id ...pls help me ...thanx again

  60. hi,great template but how can i add my own post to the featured post content area.plz help

  61. hi, it's a fantastic template. thanks. but i'm wondering if i can change the featured content slides from the updated ones to self-selected ones? see, the newest posts are already shown in the homepage, and featured posts are not necessary to be the newest ones. if possible, could you please provide me how to get this modified? thanks again.

  62. thank you so must for re-hosting the images. i made today my day to tackle saving them and went to check and everything was back to normal. will do it soon, but much appreciated.

  63. awesome template. i thanked you at but decided to thank you again. my site looks great, thanks to your work.

  64. Hi! Just want to ask if is down or what. The feature content in my blog has stopped working. I am assuming this is the reason... or is it? If so, can you suggest another good free javascript hosting site? Many thanks again.

  65. Hi there. Please let us know if you intend on updating your template so that the pictures of the feature content update automatically. Without this functionality, I doubt many of us will use this template. It seems like everyone who has used it already (at least from the users in this page) has given up on it... The template is one of the best out there. It would be a pity to see it go to waste :o( Thank you.

  66. i just discovered that my subscription is not working either. not quite sure how to fix it after having done everything exactly as you recommended. help!

  67. My subscriptions are not working either

    Also, please could you tell me how to set the featured content for one of the slides to feature a specific page/blog post? I have tried many and can't come to a solution


  68. Also, how can I get it so that on the main page the first (most recent) post is displayed fully and the rest are shortened like in your template?

    Thanks again! Fantastic work!

  69. thanks a lot...very nice template...but i have a can i edit the google ads at the top:?...please...thanks...

    here's my blog

  70. opZ...another question..can i change the Title of my blog using any banner?..just to hide the real name of my blog...need help...thanks...GOD BLESS

  71. hi....i have a probelm editing on my profile photo...when i change the link of photo....its all already exceeded the bandwidth...what should i do?.....need help...thanks

  72. there's no words appearing in my feature box. its working perfectly but no title or intro to the post?


  73. thank u for a very very very classy template :)

  74. hai, i'am having a problem with the Slide Feature, i have done it yesterday, but when i view my blog to day, my Slide Feature is not funtion well, can u give an idea ti fix this problem? anyway i'am very love this template.. :d

  75. this is my address
    please help me yaah.. :d

  76. i'am also dont understand how to fine my javascrip, i hope u can help

  77. @Mohd Sani @ Other: I already see your blog and the slide is working fine.

  78. hi! great template. i tried to changed the picture in the slider but it didnt work. this is my first time to make a blog using html and i tried fixing it but it seems that i'm missing something. i already registered with fileave. i'm not sure if im doing the first step correctly?

    what i did was:

    here's my blog:

    whenever i try to change the picture in the slider, all the links stop working...

    appreciate if you can help me with this one... thanks!

  79. hi! ignore my post... it's working now... i just saved the the html file and it worked... so i guess it just got stucked in the preview mode...

    thank you very much for the template...

    one last question: i didnt made any changes with the javascript though... i didnt follow the first step but it seems that my blog is working perfectly fine, the links in the slider are even working... would i have any problem with the site?

  80. i'm sorry but i have another question, my email link doesnt work, i already typed in my feedburner id and the email option in feedburner is already active but it still doesnt work.

    thanks for the anticipated response

  81. Hi,

    When I open the template without bidvertiser at top right, there is a black bar on top. You can see this at Btemplate -

    Please please help me I like this template.

  82. Hi,

    I am sorry for not explaining it properly. There is a black horizontal bar on top right at the bidvertiser area after I remove the Ads using IE 7.0. You can try this using IE 7.0 and go to Btemplates demo -

    Please help me and tell me which HTML to change or fix this.

  83. @flipnomad: try to use only your feedburner id. like this

    "input name='url' type='hidden' value='YOURFEEDBURNERID'"

    @Anonymous:I don't have IE7.0, in FF3 and IE8.0 this template workin fine. give me the screenshoot of your problem, so I can help you to fix it.

  84. Hi Free Blogger Template,

    Thank you very much for your response. how do I post screenshot? You can use (website browser compatibility), and you can select IE7, there is a black horizontal bar on the top right area, when you remove the bidvertiser advertisement - - try this and see if screenshot is there to find out the problem.

    Please please help me fix this one problem, other than that, your conversion and instructions is perfect. Thanks!

  85. Hi Free Blogger Template,

    You can go to, and select IE7 (and 6), and url - . On top right(at header area) when remove the bidvertiser advertisement (hope you don't mind), there will be black horizontal bar. Please let me know which code etc to remove or fix. Thank you very much.

  86. @Anonymous: try this. find this code
    .myads .widget {
    padding: 8px; margin: 0;font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;
    font-size: 12px;border: 1px solid;border-color: #484848;
    Change it like this
    .myads .widget {
    padding: 0px; margin: 0;font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;
    font-size: 12px;border: 0px solid;border-color: #484848;

  87. Slider is not working. My blog
    please help me

  88. It it a nice template to have but slider is stuck in one picture. I uploaded selected pictures to my personal hosting domain ( and destination information was included in the HTML code as you say in Step 4. What do I mention as my hosting name. Is it necessary to have Step 1 to make the slide work. How do I find Javascrip of mootools.v1.11.js to upload. I also opened a hosting but what do i upload??

    My blog Address is

    I am confused. Please help.

  89. @Sri Lanka Equity Analytics : please redownload it, maybe you download this template from another site. you will find the javascript include in the zip file.

  90. Thanks!!!!
    All done. it is working perfectly.

    I am using your template on 6 Blogs with my own phots and hosting. I am delighted with the new appearance of my sites. This design seems better than what i could design from paid web designer tools!!!

    Thanks so much "Free Blogger template" for your outstanding contribution and support for newbies like us.

    Sri Lanka Equity analytics

  91. Hi Free Blogger Template.

    Could you please tell me how to create the Advert on the header. Cannot do it through the Blogger Layout edit.

  92. hai... i having a problem with my slide featured, when i upload a new post, the slide featured is not match with my new post. how to keep the new post update automaticly in the slide featured that i want to show?

  93. Hi. Post date is not appearing, only the time appears. Please help.

  94. hai... i having a problem with my slide featured, when i upload a new post, the slide featured is not match with my new post. how to keep the new post update automaticly in the slide featured that i want to show?

  95. Mohd Sani

    I too had the same problem, then I changed the startposts and numposts on the HTML code. I am sure this helps until we hear from Free Blogger Template!!!

    I too waiting for his response.


  96. I don't know why my slide show suddenly stopped working. Please help.

  97. Nine, the slide show isn't working because there are too many connections requesting the same JavaScript file. This is probably due to the fact that your JavaScript host is having a high amount of traffic at the moment. I also have the same problem. Hopefully, it will get back to normal after some days. So don't worry.

  98. Sorry i have i question...
    the javascript above is for the feature content??
    and ... i understand that have automatic update, but doesnt it update the images??? or why should we put diferente images there??
    please answer bach!!

  99. Chobed, the images won't be updated automatically. If you won't to update them, you will have to do it manually by changing their URLs according to their corresponding post/article.

    By the way, I'm not the one who designed this template. So I may not be able to answer all your questions. But the author of this blog, free blogger teplates, will be able to clarify your doubts.


  100. iam still waiting acording to my queation " which part i must change in html code if i wanted my slide featured is correctly match between my latest picture that i upload...? (how too keep my slide featured update automaticly) please somebody help me..

  101. Hi everyone, I just spotted a small spelling mistake in my last comment. "won't" should be corrected as"want". Hope you guys will excuse me for that.

    Mohd Sani,

    Just locate a code segment which is similar to the following. There should be five code segments like this(for the 5 posts which are shown in the slide feature). Then replace the parts in bold to match your own image URL. Keep in mind that you have to change these image URLs 10 times(5 x 2) for the five posts. You have to change this each and every time that you write a new post... that is because the images won't be updated along with the post titles.

    <div class='imageElement'>
    <h2>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 0; numposts = 1; var showposttitle = true; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 0; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
    <p>&lt;script&gt;var startposts = 0; numposts = 1; var showposttitle = false; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150; &lt;/script&gt;&lt;script src=&quot;;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp&quot;&gt;
    <a class='open' href='#' title='
    <img class='full' src=''/>
    <img alt='blog tips' class='thumbnail' src=''/>

    Hope this helps.

  102. aren`t there a way to generate automtic thumbnails for the slkidefearture???? like the new "recent posts gadget" from blogger ????

  103. hey there! I just want to say that this guide helped me a lot in installing my blog template. just yesterday, a friend of mine told me that the post date and day are not displayed. hence i was working all night and i discovered 2 ways. i'm not a pro when it comes to these. i would also like to share what i found with you guys. :)

  104. Chobed,

    Well, I don't think it would work even if there was a gadget like that because this slide feature is given as a separate JavaScript function. So the widgets may not be able to communicate with that JavaScript file. Perhaps the guys who wrote mootools.v1.11 and scripts will be able to modify the codes so that the images too will be updated along with the post titles.


  105. Hi Esther,

    The methods that you have explained regarding "how to display the post date and day" are perfectly correct. So if anyone has any problem with those, you better take a look at Esther's blog post which is sitting on her blog.


  106. Thanks Esther....

    Date format problem is fully resolved thanks to your help. But I still have the problem of not being able to edit the adsense advert next to the header.


  107. Hey Shamal,

    *phew* It was a lucky guess.. :) hmm, but I have a question about that. just by editing that, by right, i wouldn't be affecting other parts of the posts right like my ads and stuff like that?


    i'm sorry, but i don't think i can help you on that.. let's wait for the pro to help us out! :)

  108. Hey Esther, I'm not a "Pro" by any mean! *blushes*
    (I can only assume you were referring to someone else, probably 'free blogger template' should be called as the real pro because he is the one who converted this template in to a blogger-compatible one)

    Esther, your question is not that clear to me. What do you mean by
    "just by editing that, by right, i wouldn't be affecting other parts of the posts right like my ads and stuff like that"

    Are you asking about editing the AdSense code on the right of the top header section?

    Hi Sri Lanka Equity Analytics,
    Editing the AdSense code(next to the header and even the topmost one which is on the top of the page) is very easy.

    First go to > Layout > Page Elements

    Then click on the "Edit" link for any of the two AdSense units(you can select the AdSense box on to the right of the header, if that is what you want to edit)

    Then set your preferred Ad unit attributes(like background color, title color, link color etc.)

    Finally, click the "Switch to a different publisher ID" link which is situated on the bottom of that window and follow the instructions. If you don't complete this step, you will still be able to publish ads but they will not be connected to your AdSense account.

    If you have any problems, just leave a comment here... I'll see if I can help you. But I'm a little bit busy these days with some projects, so it might take a while for me to come back again.

    Again, keep in mind that I have nothing to do with this template as far as the ownership or copyrights is concerned. :-)


  109. hmm, actually i'm referring to my nuffnang ads...which is supposed to be in between posts. but it somehow has disappeared. perhaps it could be a different problem entirely. aah, don't worry about it, if i can't settle it, i'll come back here again.. haha.. :)

  110. Hi Shamal

    First I went to > Layout > Page Elements

    Then clicked on the "Edit" link on both the two AdSense box on to the top and right of the header

    I do not get the Ad unit attributes(like background color, title color, link color etc.)

    I get This Message:

    What is AdSense? AdSense is an advertising program run by Google which enables you to place content-relevant advertisements on your blog. These ads generate revenue for you on a per-click basis. Learn more about placing ads on your blog.

    To place ads on your blog, you need an AdSense account. You can set up your AdSense account by going to the Monetize tab.

    This Advert on the Side bar is working without a problem. My website is
    Appreciate your help.

    SLE Analytics

  111. SLEA,

    I checked your site. I think you edited the wrong AdSense box... I have emailed all the instructions with diagrams so that you can get a clear idea.. your email address which is indicated on your site is

    So I emailed to that address... check your inbox or spam folder
    my email address is

    if you need more help, feel free to contact me through that email address

  112. Free Blogger TemplateDecember 7, 2009 at 8:55 AM

    Hi all, until now my PC still does not have an internet connection(this comment writed via mobile phone). I will respons your questions as soon as possible.

    To Shamal & Esther, thanks for your help pals.

  113. Hi Shamal

    Thanks alot, for your clear and precious help. Adsense adverts are working very well now.

    Previously I had used HTML codes instead of linking my adsense account through the monetization option fearing loss of revenue as my account content will be managed by Blogger.I have now linked my account ID to the account as advised.

    Thanks once again for all the help extended to us in making our blog perfect.

    SLE Analytics

  114. hey, actually thanks to you for helping us out...

    btw, what does this do and what's going to happen if I delete it?

    if cond='data:post.trackLatency'

  115. Sorry for the delay guys
    Esther, I'm sorry I can't help you on that.
    Perhaps "free blogger template" can help you on that or you can look for those definitions in the Blogger Tag library specifications or developer section. But it's a bit lengthy and has plenty of coding related stuff. If you don't mind that, you can have a look

  116. Wondering if anyone can help. I really like this template and have gotten everything to work other than getting the text to appear in the slide show IE8. I made the changes noted in the UPDATE regarding the "jdGallery a" code but that did not help.

    Any other ideas? Thank you...

  117. Kurt,
    You don't need to change anything else. I checked it with IE8 with my blog and everything is fine. You might have accidentally modified some other other lindes of codes. Try to upload the template again and see if it works after that.

  118. Hi Shamal,

    I really thankful to you for helping another people who use Mahusay Template.

    @All: I think all problem already fixed. If there any questions that I mist, please re-comment in this post.

  119. @Free Blogger Template,

    Hey, no problem buddy. We are all here to help each other and we should thank you for converting this great template.


  120. Free Blogger Template,

    Again...this is a great template.

    Everything is working fine other than the text in the slide show. I have carefully tried to review the instructions and even tried to re-download per Shamal's comment above but still no text in the slideshow. Any ideas?

    My blog is


  121. @Kurt : You must know that "" is different with "". So, just re-changing your blog url (STEP 4 of Mahusay instruction) with

    Try it and good luck

  122. Free Blogger Template,

    Can't beleive I overlooked that! Thank you very much. It now works.

  123. thnx alot Free Blogger Template for such a nice template ,,,i need ur help please if u dont mind..featured content slide id working in my blog but it doesnt start working at first open,,when i refresh it then it stars runing..i hav done it frm fileave..all the steps i have followed ,,but this is the prblm dear,,so plz help me getting rid of this so tht this slide may run on first open

    is my blog forgot to post in previous comment


    open my blog to celebritites wallpaper

  126. hola no entiendo pero no se mueve la imagen principal usted me podria dar una luz de lo que pueda ser

  127. How could I edit the HTML codes to place an adsense advert between posts.

  128. Is there a way to edit text and background colors?

  129. @Sri lanka equity analytics,

    try this one

    @earl's daughter
    yes you can edit anything(text color, size, background color, styles etc.)
    but you should know some basic HTML and CSS

  130. Shoot! Finally I found a template that suits my site.
    I changed over and over my template since it doesn't look good!

    By the way, when i hosted the js flies in it doesn't work. Then I tried and it does now.

    Thanks a lot! You may want to check my site. Happy Holidays! :)

  131. heeyy Free Blogger Template, brother plz help me,my slide is stopped,,i dont wanna lose this templete at any cost ..plzzzzz do smthng

  132. Free Blogger Template;

    I am creating a blog and want to use your "mahusay template". Problem is I am not techie and dont know anything about your instruction above. Just a newbie on all of these things. Hope you can help me and I will appreciate it very much. http;// is my blog address - you will see that it is still bare. Pls help.

  133. I am looking to be able to specify each slide... as it is, it updates the slideshow to show the 5 most recent blog posts. I want to specify 5 slides manually and only update when I want to change them (my favorite 5 stocks)...

    I think this is where I need to change something but I can't figure it out:

    <script>var startposts = 0; numposts = 1; var showposttitle = true; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 0; </script><script src="">

    <script>var startposts = 0; numposts = 1; var showposttitle = false; showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = true; var numchars = 150; </script><script src="">

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  134. hey..really a good template....can u please help me actually the thumbnail on the main page of post are automatically taken by blogger by the first image of the post can u tell me it is possible that i can put different thumbnail size pic for all post on the main page??

  135. Hey there, trying to work through your instructions, but can not seem to get the script to work. Can you have a peek and tell me why? I am very excited about your design!

    Thanks much,

  136. Hey! Got it to work. Piggy backed the Script on another site. Not sure why it would not run generated from mine, but still working now. If you would like to bask in the glory of your template... Thanks!

  137. Hey Template Stud~

    I am back with two questions. If I want to change the title of my blog with a logo instead, can you tell me where I would put the Jpg or Gif, and what size is the max?

    Also, I seem to keep getting an error from the feedburner when someone puts in their email address, it says that feature is not turned on, on feedburner. However, it is. Help?


  138. Eudaemonius:
    Go to layout > page elements > edit (header) section > upload an image and select radio button "instead of title and description"

  139. Hey Ryan, so simple. Thanks! Check it out!

    Any clues on getting the email sign-up to work? I am so loving this template!

  140. I'm not exactly sure what the issue is (I haven't been using the feature) maybe this will help:

  141. Can someone help?

    My blog is showing a very weird error referencing "upgrade to photobucket pro". I have checked a few other's sites who use the Mahusay template and have noticed the same error.

    Any ideas?


  142. Yes, help help help....Photobucket is freaking my site out as well. Help?????

  143. There is a problem beyond my control panel. Seems like Photobucket bandwith of the Blogger template designer have exceeded the limit.

    Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  144. Thank you very much dear friend. Where can I find Blogs having red templates.

  145. Is there a way for me to list only 3 featured stories as compared to 5? Also is there a way that I can pick which featured stories show up?
    My website:

  146. is there anybody in here that have an email? I want to exchange email so I would know how can i use this template for my blog. I already seek help to the author on this template since january and i got no reply at all unlike the others. what frustrating is that the author i think is also a filipino like me and yet he can't help me. what a tragedy! so if there's any good natured person here, pls help.

  147. This is a great designed but I have some problems about 'show numbers of posts on the main page' can't setting. I try to setting 7 posts on the main page or try to change 4 or 5 posts but my blog still show only 2 posts ?

    Pls help me.

  148. Por favor, necesito ayuda urgente.

    Me he vuelto loco para configurar las actualizaciones de Feedburner y no lo consigo.

    Si vas al boton pequeño de la esquina superior derecha (RSS FEED), no hay problema para que te enlace directamente.

    Sin embargo, no consigo que donde pone: "Get The Latest News: Sign up to receive latest news", me haga las subscripciones por e-mail.

    Siempre que pongo un e-mail, me sale el mensaje siguiente:"The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled", cuando no es verdad, ya que mi Feed si lo tyiene habilitado, y funciona perfectamente.

    ¿que puedo hacer?, he seguido todas las instrucciones que he visto, pero sigue sin funcionarme.

  149. Is There A way I can just entirely remove this slideshow stuff?

  150. this is a very good template. Good work. i'm still having a problem with slideshow, it's not moving. Can you have a look at my blog

    I don't know what i miss. Thanks a lot

  151. Anyone solve the subscribe by email issue? Whether I insert the feedburner ID after the present URL or only put the feedburner ID, it does not work. That's the only thing preventing me from publishing the blog. Help appreciated!

  152. Process of elimination :) Figured it out finally. Replaced 'url' with 'uri' and only used the feedburner ID. That did it. Oh right, and changed the first url to

  153. thank you, im so happy, days searching this Thank thank!

  154. Me sigue sin funcionar feedburner =(

  155. Hello.

    Nice theme. Can't wait to use.


  156. In the main posts there is a picture. The picture I am using is a rectangle and not a square. Can someone show me where in the code I would change this?

  157. Slide Feature with automatic post update

    como puedo hacer para que los featured no sean automaticos,,, sea manual solo los 5 que yo quiera y que no salagan automaticos..... cuando publico algo tengo que estar modificando este codigo y si pudiera hacerlo que no fuera automatico seria mejor,, gracias!!!

    as I can do to make the featured non-automatic,,, manual is just the 5 that I want and not automatic Salagen ..... when I post something I have to modify this code and if I could do that was not auto be better, thanks!

  158. is there a way to have the pictures on the slideshow automatically update to the picture in the blog post?

    this would be really helpful.

  159. My slideshow is not working, What do I have to do? Help please...


  160. Hello nice template.
    I'm having a problem, the menu bar change its colors, I didn't change anything, this morning just appear like that, please help me.

  161. @Pedro & Tyler: it's possible but not easy work.
    @Dionne: Please read the instructions and comments, maybe you will find the answer.
    @Verónica López: I didn't see my name in the footer credit. So, please find your problem by yourself.

  162. I got it, sorry I thought I leave it, my mistake, I would put it back, and I don't expect your help. i totally understand, thanks anyway

  163. Hi, i already change what i though I coud change, I'm sorry. Please check my blog to see it ( I don't know what happen with the menu bar colors, and the twitter and RSS icons, I'm new at this and I do things with no bad intentions, I hope you can forgive me and please help me.

  164. You can look at full automatic slider (made by using JavaScript import from RSS feed) here for Mahusay blogger template:

  165. im using this template..feel free to visit me..

  166. Hi thanks for nice tamplet. I use it in

    Can you give me Javascript Host lonk with preview file. And please please make a .js file that keep only musical instuments picture like Guitar, Violin, Flut etc. But the file is not learge.

    Plz visit my blog
    You will see the letter INSTRUMENTS is not in one line. I wanna keep it one line is it possible.

    Thank you

  167. I love this template, but I still have trouble understanding how to get the slide feature to work. I know you explained it, but I still don't understand the js and what I need to do.

    I have unzipped the files. I have uploaded the xml mahusay doc into blogger, and done most html editing. Am I supposed to upload "mootools.v1.11" and "" in seperately from the xml file? If so, how do I get it from the file into the xml content?

    I replaced:
    script http://WWW.YOUROWNHOSTING.COM/mootools.v1.11.js

    with this:
    script src='' src=''

    but I still am having trouble...I don't understand. Can you help me to know what I need to do?

    Here is the website address if this will help...


    Tami Curtis

  168. I was able to get instructions on hosting js through google and it is now working, but only on the address and not on the forwarded address I will fiddle with it more and try to figure it out.

  169. Tami,

    You have to upload the mootools and files to a file hosting service such as Then once you upload them, copy and paste those file URL's and place them where you put in YOUROWNHOSTING.

    Hope that helps.

  170. Thanks Tyler for your help ;).

    @Tami: Like Tyler says, you need a hosting services to host the files. Read this post

  171. Thanks a works. :)
    .... but it only works if I am logged into my google sites account. Any suggestions?

  172. Hi there im using your theme at:

    i have set up the feedburner widget that is in your template and it keeps giving the error 'The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled' but it does! i even installed feedburners own widget directly below to check that i could subscribe to it, and that one works, its just the code on this template seems to bring an error everytime i try to use it, i changed nothing other than my Feedburner ID, hope you can help!

    please comment on my blog (or get my email off it) or on this string,

  173. After alot of playing around i got this template to work, and it looks amazing! changed the coding to get the subscribe by email to work and deleted some adsense boxes, added my own header, and instead of externally hosting the javascript i embedded it in the template (alot faster loading and no hosting issues) and i'm glad to say it looks fantastic! took a bit of work but here it is:

  174. slight isssue... the featured content section doesn't work on internet explorer! ive got it working on safari, google chrome and firefox but on ie8 you just get a black rectangle with featured content in the top right!

  175. I have the same problem as Adam, any idea?

    # 183 Adam Feneley :
    slight isssue... the featured content section doesn't work on internet explorer! ive got it working on safari, google chrome and firefox but on ie8 you just get a black rectangle with featured content in the top right!

  176. This comment has been removed by the author.

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. I have been using your beautiful template for nearly a year on my blog:

    So first let me thank you for that.

    This morning while updating my images on the slideshow, I now only get the first image, half covered by a solid gray box. It also does not change images. I have tried hosting the js files from 2 different locations (Google Sites and your own suggested fileave).

    Nothing seems to fix the issue and looking at other Mahusay-based blogs shows that many have the same problem (notably not Adam's site above, though).

    Any ideas what is causing this or how to fix it?

    Thanks Again,


  180. Hi, i finally got the featured content box to work on internet expolorer but now the titles are missing.. any ideas? mysite is

  181. I need your help blog does'nt work image Slider....but like sample in Demo Url : CLICK HERE ('s working images Slider but it's mine not working

    What can I do now ? Thank..
    God Bless

  182. Great design - thankyou. Not very happy with the hosting suggestion for the javascript code. I used instead to avoid spam.

    And thankyou to Tyler for solving the issue with the Feedburner. In case anyone missed it was as follows as follows:

    # 161
    Tyler Yanta :

    Process of elimination :) Figured it out finally. Replaced 'url' with 'uri' and only used the feedburner ID. That did it. Oh right, and changed the first url to

  183. Thank you so much I am going to use this one. Really thank you again

  184. Hello¡
    Im using your template and loving it but I have a problem eith the slider.
    The posts are ok they appear smoothly but if I click in one of them it doesn't take me to the full post, how can I fix it?
    Thank you!

  185. Soory, my blog is Thank you!

  186. Nice template,.. I must share this to my friends,..

  187. Hi i have been using your template in my blog
    It looks great Thank U very much

  188. This comment has been removed by the author.

  189. Hello! This is a fantastic template, which I've managed to tweak as needed, except for one thing.

    The Featured Content section doesn't seem to work in some versions of IE. In my browser (version 8) the slider works some of the time.

    In my husband's IE (version 9) it doesn't work; it appears the way other commenters described above (text appears in an opaque grey bar above the picture), plus it gives him a security warning.

    And at my college campus, when I try to open my website I get a pop-up message saying IE can't open my website at all. (I'm unsure of the version of IE that my college has.)

    I've followed the steps mentioned above for the IE code update, but all the problems I described above are still there.

    I'd be grateful for any help you can give. :)

    My blog is at:

  190. Process of elimination :) Figured it out finally. Replaced 'url' with 'uri' and only used the feedburner ID.
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  191. Is it too late to ask for help with this template?

  192. Thanks so much!:)
    Your instructions really helped me!

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